Today, September 29, is Michaelmas, The Feast of St. Michael and All Angels. Since this year the observance falls on a Sunday, the feast is transferred to Monday for public worship. I consider Michael to be my guardian angel, although I've been told that isn't possible. However, if you've ever been visited by an archangel, you know. Here's an icon of the Archangel Michael my wife Gay Pogue wrote for me.
I’ve been intrigued by angels for many years. On numerous occasions, I’ve wondered if what I’ve experienced was because of the presence and ministration of an angel. I
once asked my friend Rabbi Jimmy Kessler of Galveston to talk to me about the view of angels in Judaism. He told me many interesting things but the one that stays with me involves the role of angels in the providence of God. He said, “The rabbis said that God has assigned an angel to every living thing, even each blade of grass. The angel’s job is to stand beside every blade of grass and say, ‘Grow! Grow! Grow!’”
In celebration of Michaelmas, I wanted to share my appreciation of and curiosity about angels, so today I’m posting an article and some hymns for your consideration. I hope you’ll benefit from them and become acquainted with the angels in your life.
Hymn – “Ye Holy Angels Bright”
Click HERE for Text.
Hymn – “Christ, the Fair Glory”
Click HERE for Text.
Hymn – “Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones”
Click HERE for Text.
For he shall give his angels charge over you,
to keep you in all your ways.
They shall bear you in their hands,
lest you dash your foot against a stone. - Psalm 91:11-12
The Very Reverend Ron Pogue